Important app info & copyright law

App Activation

  • 5-year activation ($24.99)
  • 10-year activation ($44.99)

If you add our app feature your Soundwave Art™ is active with our app and stored for five (5) or ten (10) years depending on what you choose at the time of purchase. When it expires you can renew.


When purchasing a product capable of using our app and you choose to add that feature you must agree that you have the legal rights to use the audio/video with our mobile app. This typically means that you will not be able to have our app play a song, even if you have purchased the song from Apple, Amazon, etc. You can create the artwork from the song but you can’t have our app play it. 

Our app can play license or royalty-free music. Here is a great site to locate music that our app can play:

Examples of our app and music playback

  • Can your app play a song if I purchased the CD or from an online streaming service (no)
  • I have a video of my wedding and a song is playing in the background (no, unless it is royalty-free music)
  • I put together a slideshow of photos with music playing (no, unless it is royalty-free music)
  • I am the artist or this is my band (yes, if you are the original artist that is okay)

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