How To Use (Ideas)

The options on what you can do really is endless. Below are just a few ways people are using the Soundwave Art™ App. Remember, the best part is that you can swap your video out anytime you want. This means that your same image can be used to display different videos, over and over again! 

  • Logos: When scanned they play a video about the company
  • Business Cards: Play promotional videos with links to website and click to call
  • Car Dealership business cards: Plays video showing deals of the week
  • Concert Flyer: Plays videos of upcoming concerts
  • Cook Book: Video walk-through
  • Restaurant menu: Shows dishes being prepared
  • Fashion Magazine: Shows video of how clothing looks on different body types
  • Album Cover: Plays un-released song from album / music video

These are just a few examples of what can be done with Augmented Reality Marketing and the Soundwave Art™ App. How will you use it?

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